
How Tensorboard Smooth

Currently, I find if I use a smooth window then I’ll get a better result than tensorflow smooth function. So I deep into the smooth function of tensorboard.

Tensorboard smooth function is explained here and used here.

It’s source code as follows

private resmoothDataset(dataset: Plottable.Dataset) {
  let data =;
  const smoothingWeight = this.smoothingWeight;
  let last = data.length > 0 ? data[0].scalar : NaN;
  data.forEach((d) => {
    if (!_.isFinite(last)) {
      d.smoothed = d.scalar;
    } else {
      // 1st-order IIR low-pass filter to attenuate the higher-
      // frequency components of the time-series.
      d.smoothed = last * smoothingWeight + (1 - smoothingWeight) * d.scalar;
    last = d.smoothed;

which can be rewrote in python as follows:

def smooth(scalars, weight):  # Weight between 0 and 1
    last = scalars[0]  # First value in the plot (first timestep)
    smoothed = list()
    for point in scalars:
        smoothed_val = last * weight + (1 - weight) * point  # Calculate smoothed value
        smoothed.append(smoothed_val)                        # Save it
        last = smoothed_val                                  # Anchor the last smoothed value

    return smoothed

It’s a recursive function and we summarized its formula below,

where is our original data, is the iteration steps, and is the smooth weigths which is shown as a scroll widgets in tensorboard.